noun + verb
a relationship of faith, hope, and love among persons and communities
a state of mutual trust and support among persons.
fellowship, relationship, connectedness, kindness, friendliness, mutual attachment, alliance, association, close association, bond, tie, link, union
Monica + Katie + Julia
First-Time & Experienced Homebuyers
Sisters Monica, Katie, and Julia worked with our Neighborship team to move closer to one another. Katie and her husband never felt like another number while working with one of our trusted Local Mortgage Brokers, and Monica's husband is shier. So, our team made him feel welcome and at ease with their lending process.
Neighborship isn't just "Can you afford that?" but "Can you afford the lifestyle you live." Keeping your lifestyle is what makes your house a home. The team did a great job connecting and being communicative during the whole process. As numbers people, they found our team to be transparent and dependable, which is so important when talking about finance.
Amy + Ted Johnson
Experienced Homebuyers
The Johnson family happily resides in the RL Goodkind house in St. Paul where they feel very special to live in a home made with so much intention. Their first home they moved into they worked with Neighborship Mortgage and knew once they wanted to move to the community of St. Anthony Park who exactly to call for their move.
Transparency is key, and our open & honest conversation about what financing a home like this will look like made them feel comfortable in making such a big purchase like this. The Johnsons felt supported the whole way as the Neighborship Local Mortgage Brokers worked hard to meet their goals.